Chiropractic Care
Poor coordination?
Not feeling 100%?
The thing we look for is something Chiropractors call a Subluxation. A subluxation is when there’s a stuck bone in your spine that interferes with the messages between your brain and body.
If you have pain, you know you have a problem, but a subluxation doesn’t necessarily cause pain. It may present as insomnia, poor coordination and a flat feeling within yourself.

noun /ˌsʌblʌkˈseɪʃn/
A slight misalignment of the vertebrae, regarded in chiropractic theory as the cause of many health problems.
Who do we care for?
Babies & Children
Being born is one of the hardest things we ever do to our spines. Problems with sleeping, feeding and crying may relate to the birth process.
Parents need sleep, too! There's enough stress already without tightness and stuck areas in your spine. Gentle adjusting can help a parent be more calm and happier.
Mothers — Pregnant & Postpartum
Women often learn about back problems with their first pregnancy. Your whole weight shifts and your body needs to adjust to the constant change. After the birth normality needs restoring!
Physical or Sedentary Employees
Having to stay seated or standing in one place all day is horrible! Tight shoulders and lack of motion can cause pain (and, just quietly, can make us grumpy).
The most important tool in the tool box is your body. Everything else gets looked after, but can be replaced. Ease of movement is gold.
The constant demands on your body are never-ending. Your spine needs to function with peak performance so your work can be easier and more enjoyable.
How does it work?
Book an appointment for a full spinal assessment, which will take around an hour. Dr Bryce will take your history, talk to you about chiropractic care and do a full spinal examination.
Cost: $150 (or $30 to be donated to World Vision, if you’d prefer)
If x-ray studies are required of your spine, Dr Bryce will refer you for those.
We book an hour to go over your x-rays, so that you can understand them well, and at that appointment Dr Bryce gives you your first adjustment.
Cost: $57
Make an appointment for the next day as well.
Dr Bryce assesses how your body has gone after your first adjustment with her and she gives you her recommendations for your care, tells you how much that will cost, and gives you options for the most cost-effective way to do this.
We have all sorts of discounts for various ways of paying, but our fee is based on $57 per visit, maximum.
You decide whether you’d like to be under Dr Bryce’s care, or not.
Just a short drive
Our homely Chiropractic clinic is located at 497 Plymouth Road,
RD4, Koru
20-minutes from central New Plymouth
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8-minutes from Oakura
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